In addition, a 10 × 14 deg 2 region towards the Galactic Centre was recently searched for optical laser emission (Marcy, Tellis & Wishnow 2022). No detected lasers emerged, nor even compelling candidates. Searches for lasers, both pulsed and continuous, have also been performed using high-resolution spectra of more than 7000 stars having all masses, ages, and chemical compositions, including all spectral types OBAFGKM (Reines and Marcy 2002 Tellis & Marcy 2015, 2017 Marcy 2021 Tellis et al., in preparation). Searches for extraterrestrial optical and near-infrared lasers have been carried out using 1-m telescopes to detect pulses of light (Wright et al. Thus, even current technology makes lasers suitable as interstellar couriers, and their arbitrary wavelengths make them nearly unambiguous in the search for extraterrestrial technology (SETI). Modern lasers provide more than enough power, ∼10 15 W, for interstellar transmission and yet emit within a narrow range of wavelengths (e.g. Lasers emit light at wavelengths that are arbitrary and not emitted by astrophysical objects, able to catch the eye to warrant laborious follow-up work. Alternatively, lasers may carry information to optimize privacy, bandwidth, and payload (Schwartz & Townes 1961 Zuckerman 1985 Hippke 2018, 2021 Gertz & Marcy 2022), and they may employ ultraviolet, optical, or infrared wavelengths.Ī search for extremely rare signals must minimize false positives that would overwhelm the follow-up effort. Network communication may be performed by radio waves (e.g. Speculative models of the Milky Way Galaxy include communication networks composed of transmitters, receivers, and nodes stationed near and between stars (e.g. Extraterrestrial intelligence, techniques: spectroscopic, stars: individual: Alpha Centauri, stars: solar-type 1.