Then, as the struggle in Ireland escalated into open war, the Irish Solidarity Campaign appeared. The Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign was formed in Britain to campaign on Ireland. We've got to get it together sooner or later This song was to ring out over the barricades in West Belfast and at the student sit-ins and workers' struggles in Britain: In the weeks before British troops were sent out onto the streets of Derry in 1969, the number one hit in the record charts was Something in the Air, by Thunderclap Newman. In Britain there was student radicalism, industrial unrest and huge demonstrations against the American war in Vietnam. THE Civil Rights Movement in the North of Ireland took its inspiration from the 1960s world-wide upsurge of student and worker revolts in general and the struggle for black civil rights in America in particular. Throughout those early years - against the background of the war, a bombing campaign in Britain, attacks on our demonstrations by the far right, state harassment and the anti-republican `Peace People' - TOM was to keep Ireland's British question at the forefront of British politics While always focusing on the situation in Ireland, the Troops Out Movement sought ways to link that to the struggle of the workers in Britain THIRTY YEARS AFTER the arrival of British troops onto the streets of the Six Counties, and 26 years after the foundation of the Troops Out Movement in England, Aly Renwick, a former British Army soldier and one of the founding members of Troops Out, recalls the events and politics which shaped the movement in the 1970s. In 1972, over 100 British soldiers were killed and over 500 wounded in the North of Ireland The British government was facing increasing problems over Ireland that mirrored Vietnam.